This MIT Bootcamp has been one of the best experiences of my life! Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah, the Rab of the heavens). The bootcamp has been going on since last Saturday and I plan to write one post about my experience as a whole, but today was special! Today there was a lecture by Joi Ito the director for Media Lab at MIT. It was a fascinating lecture where he touched on how technology is affecting the world and what will be the future of AI. He touched on very interesting points of how we should control AI. I noted down some interesting quotes from his talk..
"Usually history is repeating itself until it doesn't!"
"We have to reinvent Democracy because it's broken"
"We should fix capitalism"
He touched on a very interesting point about this notion of screen time for kids. He said this is mostly an elitist stigma that screen time is bad for kids. He argued that for the kid of a working mother, the screen was a window to the outside world! Limiting screen time is just stupid! I asked him a question "How can developing countries leverage current and upcoming technologies to skip decades of development and join the first world?" for which the answer is embedded in the video below!