Saturday, May 17, 2014

3d Printed Arduino Robot

After discussing for months and brain storming different ideas on how to develop a locally made robot that can be used by teachers like me to teach, students to learn and researchers to experiment with, we've managed to make our first 3d printed mobile robot. For start we took a design from thingiverse and got it 3d printed. We added an Arduino, did some programming and it turned out pretty good.   

The main idea behind this is to have affordable "Made in Pakistan" robot kits that are affordable by everyone. We have a few research labs that have the latest in robots such as the NAO humanoid, the People bot and other kits. Unfortunately these have been acquired after spending large sums of public money or donations. What we wanted was to start making robot kits that can be used by not only these research labs but but by high school kids, college students and hobbyists. This mobile robot is a first in that series. We will also be developing quad copters, humanoids and other forms. 

This mobile robot at this stage has the following features:

- 3d printed design
- An Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller
- A Sonar Sensor Module
- A bluetooth Module
- Completely hackable design

Here are images and video of the developed robot kit


  1. Wow wow, combining all sorts of ideas. How much did it cost to get it 3D printed
