Today was a very very interesting day! I paid a visit to College Road which is "THE" place to be if either you are a student of engineering or if you are interested in electronics and are the "Maker" type. I was with my employee number 3 who interestingly is only 2 months old in the company and is already in his last month, going for his Masters now! But he is a great guy! A brilliant student who just graduated and was willing to join our start-up instead of getting a regular job, which he could have easily got!
Anyway back to my College Road adventures! We had to buy a few things like PCB making material, etcher and stuff. We also bought a power supply for Rs 5000 with a rating of 30V and 5 amps. It should serve our purpose! I think we bought it quite cheap! Long live the Chinese! We also bought some tools, soldering iron, a multimeter and some other stuff. I've always loved this kind of shopping and now buying it for my start-up made it even more exciting! I just wanted to buy everything! Tools like soldering stand, power supplies, Oscilloscopes etc but unfortunately I could not! We're not millionaires! At least not yet! On our way back we took a trip to Metro which is a wholesale place. Bought a white board, a necessary tool for any start-up, some stationery and a crate of Coke! Coke is for employee number 3 who is a coke addict! I'll get myself a Coffee machine, thanks to my Angel Investor friend who is a true Angel giving me a good no strings and deadline attached loan for my start-up adventures!
All in all it was a good day, except for one thing! My 5 month sabbatical application for which I had applied almost 2 months ago, was returned NOW, when I'm supposed to start with stupid comments! Its amazing to see, things people do, just because they are galatically stupid or have no common sense! So I can't get my earned leave because the "Research" office (the names of departments have been changed to save me from any stupid action) doesn't have any record of my research of the 4 years that I have been at my institution! Amazing! I have been here for 4 years and they have no clue, what I've been up to all this time! For me this shows what this department has been up to for the last four years! NOTHING!
The late Professor Randy Pausch said in his famous last lecture that Brick Walls are for only those who don't want it enough! I know for sure that I want this very much, so I'm going to find a way of climbing past this brick wall, or maybe breaking it to make way for myself :). I think this is enough rambling for today! Let's see how I get past this Sabbatical brick wall tomorrow!