- Visual Studio Code
- Django
- Bootstrap (UI)
- Python 3.6
- CondaMini for Virtual Environment
- Github for version control
- Visual Studio Code already installed
Step 1: Create a new folder
Step 2: Install miniconda for setting up the virtual environment
- https://conda.io/miniconda.html
Step 3: Install and Test Conda
- Open Terminal in VS Code and run conda --version
- Re-start Terminal by typing exit whether you are using builtin VS Code terminal or regular terminal window
- Type conda --version to verify conda installed
- If you see conda 4.5.4 or something similar, conda is working
- Getting started guide with conda https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/getting-started.html
Step 4 : Create a virtual environment with Django
- conda create --name [envName] django
- Select yes to download and create the virtual environment
Step 5: Activate / Deactivate virtual environment
- Once the virtual environment is created use
- source activate [envName]
- to deactivate: source deactivate
- the keyword source is required on MAC OS
- conda info --env
- You can see which virtual environments have been created using the above command. We can see two
- The one with the * is the active one
base * /Users/shamyl/miniconda3
SLS /Users/shamyl/miniconda3/envs/SLS
Step 6: Create first Django Project
- django-admin startproject [projectName]
Step 7: Create an app within your django project
- python mange.py stratapp [appName]
Step 8: Run your server and test it out
- python manage.py runserver
Step 9: Create GIT Repository and commit to Master
- I'm using GitHub Desktop
- Created a new repository
- Gave it a name and pointed it to the local directory where the project is saved
- Gave a summary and description and pressed the commit to master button to create the first master